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  • St. Michael Keren
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  • St.Michael Keren
  • St.Michael's Keren
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Prepare the ways (2022)

The voice of one crying in the wilderness: Make ready the road by which the lord is coming and make straight the paths which he must travel. read more

Ordination of Abba Mulu Gheberemeskel

By God's grace, Abba Mulu Gheberemeskel from Halibmentel, a Comboni, has been ordained to the priesthood by His Excellency Abune Kidane Yebio. We pray for God's blessings to continue to bless us with more priests. We thank Abba Mulu Gheberemeskel for giving himself for the service of God and His people. We are grateful for his parents and whole family for raising and supporting him to be a priest. God bless you all. read more

150 Year Jubilee of the Seminary

The 150 Jubilee celebration of the Seminary in Keren, was celebrated in a colorful, joyous and brilliant manner. Time passes, people pass, difficulties melt like ice in a desert but God lives and will live for ever. Through difficulties and tempests wars and famines the seminary in Keren has been a beacon of hope and has educated servants of God to administer the Sacraments. Congratulations to all those who tirelessly worked and continue to work. read more

Senbet Zebrhan (2022)

The God we meet in today's reading is a God who loves and delights in his people. This is a God who liberates and shares the joy of those whom he has set free. A graven idol cannot save people - and certainly cannot dance with them. Our God is a God who does both. read more

150th Anniversary of Seminary in Keren

150 years of prayers, education, service to the priesthood, that is what this Jubilee is all about. Congratulations SEMINARY OF KEREN. May the Good Lord bless all those who have served the people of God as priests, seminarians and good and honest faithful. read more

Holy vigil (2022)

Scripture is filled with stories of waiting. The last centuries of 400 years before the New Testament called the silent period. The people of God waited to hear from God. Even the Lord Jesus waited for 30 years to begin his public ministry. From the moment of Original sin, humanity waited for a savior. read more

Senbet Zesbket (2022)

Advent is a time to renew and deepen our relationship with, God, a time of prayerful and trustful waiting for God. Because the reason of Advent is so important, the Church gives this time to celebrate it, especially with our heart. read more

Senbet Zemetsagu (2022)

For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord live as children of light. For light produces every kind of goodness and righteousness and truth. (Eph 5:8-9). read more

Immaculate Conception (2022)

Chosen by God, Mary reverses the sin of Eve. Because of her obedience God's salvation is made known to all the nations. read more

Teklemariam Hidru's Ordination in Shesherema (Keren)

By God's grace, Teklemariam Hydru from Shesherema, a Pavonian, has been ordained to the priesthood by His Excellency Abune Kidane Yebio. We pray for God's blessings to continue to bless us with more priests. We thank Abba Teklemariam Hidru for giving himself for the service of God and His people. We are grateful for his parents and whole family for raising and supporting him to be a priest. God bless you all. read more

Mihlab's 100 Jubilee

A hundred years and beyond! The Catholic Church has been proclaiming and testifying from the rooftops for 100 in Mihrab. First, we thank God for the blessing He bestowed upon us. Second we Thank all those who shed sweat, tears and blood in the service of the Lord. May we see the future of Mihrab as it shines like a star in a dark night. read more

3rd Senbet Zeastemhro (2022)

And they went and woke him, saying, Save, Lord we are perishing.. Why are you afraid. O men of little faith? Then he rose and rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a great calm. Mt 8:25-26. read more