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4th Senbet Zetsighe (2022)

God will see justice done to his chosen who cry to him. His is full of mercy and compassion. Let us come close to him with Mary our mother. read more

3rd Senbet Zetsighe (2022)

Humility is the recognition that no matter what our accomplishments, we still stand in need of the Lord. God hears the cry of the poor and of the oppressed, especially those who acknowledge their dependency upon him and this is what we learn from Mary. She teaches us how to say yes to God. read more

2nd Senbet Zetsighe (2022)

The Rosary engages our thoughts, our imaginations, our emotions and our desires. It is a contemplative and Christocentric prayer inseparable from the meditation of Sacred Scripture. read more

Being Mother or Brother of Jesus (2022).

Fulfilling the will of God is more important than kinship. Our Lady is more united to her Son by virtue of her perfect fulfilling of what God asked of her than by the Holy Spirit's using her to make Christ's body. read more

1st Senbet Zetsighe (2022)

The Lord appointed seventy (two) others whom he sent ahead of him in pairs to every town and place he intended to visit. We, too should be listening to his words. read more

Senbet Zemeskel (2022)

Christianity does not exist without the cross and the cross does not exist without Jesus Christ. Pope Francis. read more

Beale Meskel (2022)

Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will save it. read more

Senbet Zefrie (2022)

Jesus is saying that we are to convert material wealth into heavenly capitals by sharing them with the poor and needy. The one honest and prudent way of using material goods: helping the poor. read more

Senbet Zezekaryas (2022)

As the Lord is kind and merciful, so should we be forgiving toward one another. Our forgiveness is to be without limit and so reflect Christ's eternal love. He alone is Lord. read more

New year (Year of Luke) 2015

New Year Eve reminds us that we are given a new opportunity to be closer to God. Our Year will be fruitful when we start it with clean heart and mind as John the Baptist tells us, Prepare the way of the Lord, make his path straight. read more

New Year (Year of LUKE)

As the New year begins you are invited to reflect as Mary did, on how God's life is growing in you and being passed on to others through you. read more

The Angel Rufael (2022)

The Archangel Raphael's name means; God has healed. In the Old Testament book of Tobit, Raphael heals Tobit of blindness, he protects and guides Tobias on his travels and he delivers Sarah from an evil demon. read more