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CEK Jubilee Calander

The Catholic Eparchy of Keren will celebrate its 25th anniversary. We invite you to offer thanksgiving prayers and ask blessings. May the Good Lord hear our prayers, and bless us with peace and tranquility in all for all the days of our life. read more

25th Eparchy of Keren Jubilee Prayer

The Catholic Eparchy of Keren will celebrate its 25th anniversary. We invite you to offer thanksgiving prayers and ask blessings. May the Good Lord hear our prayers, and bless us with peace and tranquility in all for all the days of our life. read more

Flseta Mariam (2019)

Today the Virgin Mary was taken up to heaven; rejoice, for she reigns with Christ forever. Because she belong1ed to Christ, Mary, our queen, is raised on high, a great sign for all who believe in her Son. read more

2nd Senbet Zeflseta (2019)

Jesus invites as to persist in prayer as well, to 'ask, seek and .knock'. May our prayer open us Go's will, and so build up his strength within us. In baptism we have died with Christ, and have been raised to life with him. read more

1st Senbet Zeflseta (2019)

Mary, the Ark of the new covenant, bore Jesus in her womb. She shares in the victory promised to all who believe. read more

Senbet Zeanqet (2019)

The great commandment of love is not something 'mysterious' or 'remote', Indeed, it is 'very near'. Yet how difficult it is to fulfill, being neighbor to whomever is in need, But if we seek God, we must 'go and do the same', for we have been created in, for, and through Christ. read more

Senbet Zeneguedguad (2019)

Let us boast of the nothing but the cross of Christ. Through it his grace and power are made known to his servants. Tremendous deeds shall be performed in his name; the reign of God is proclaimed, peace is given as gift, and the forces of sin are overcome. read more

Senbet Zepague (2019)

Jesus insists that those who follow him must abandon all material or psychological securities' walking ever forward without looking back. It is the Lord alone who is to hold fast our lot. Paul distinguishes between true freedom and license. read more

Senbet ZeZerA emetwo (2019)

Who is Jesus, And What Does He Mean to Me? read more

Beale Qdst Slasie (2019)

We are at peace with God our Father through our Lord Jesus Christ. God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit. This Spirit, who is Wisdom itself, will lead us into all truth. How wonderful the name of our God in all the earth. read more

Senbet Zekremt (2019)

But the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop. (Luke 8:15). read more

Senbet Zeastemhro (2019)

The story of the widow of Nain, a town not far from Nazareth, is found only in Luke. It is also unique in that Christ healed the widow's deceased son without being asked. Bringing the boy back to life foreshadowed Christ's own Resurrection from the dead (CCC 994). read more