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Fasica (Senbet Zetnsae) (2018)

On this day of days we offer a joyful sacrifice of praise to the Father who raised his Son from the dead. Let us be intent upon the life Christ offers us, Christ our Passover who has been sacrificed. read more

Kedam SiUr (2018)

They buried the Lord and sealed the tomb by rolling a large stone in front of it. They stationed soldiers there to guard it. Mt 27:66. read more

Arbi SQlet (2018)

But he was pierced for our transgressions,he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed. We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way; and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all. IS 53:5-6 read more

Tselote Hamus (2018)

Before the feast of the Passover Jesus knew that his hour had come; he had always loved those who were his own, and now he would show them the depth of his love. read more

Hosaena (2018)

Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord; peace in heaven and glory in the highest. read more

Senbet Zeniqodimos (2018)

Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born anew unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot, see the Kingdom of God. (Jn 3:16). read more

Senbet Zeghebre Hier (2018)

The grain of wheat must die to produce fruit. Such dying must be cultivated by obedience and by our covenant with God, rooted in love and forgiveness. read more

Senbet ZeDebreZeyt (2018)

Tell us when these things will happen and what will be the sign of your presence and of the end of the age? (Mt 24:3). read more

Senbet ZemetsaguE (2018)

The only thing that demands from us is: Listen to him: If we listen to Christ, we shall be successful in our journey with him this season. read more

Senbet Zemukurab Tsom 40 (2018)

God shows us his willingness to offer his only son to us and for our salvation. The only thing that God demands from us: Listen to him. If we listen to Christ God's gift to us we shall be successful in our journey with him. read more

Kidane Mehret (2018)

Blessed are you, O Mary, for the world's salvation came forth from you; now in glory, you rejoice forever with the Lord. Intercede for us with your Son. read more

Senbet Zeqdst Zetsom 40 (2018)

As Christians, we bear the light of Christ to the whole world in our every action. Even when he seems far from us, when we feel most alone, his Spirit is nearby to support and strengthen us in this task. read more