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2nd Senbet Zetsighe (2017)

We seek many things in this life, but we should seek first the Lord and his wisdom. By so living, we will keep vigil for the Lord as we await his return in glory. read more

Abba Medhanie Ordained a Preist (2017)

On November 4, 2017, Deacon Medhanie was ordained a Priest, by His Excellency +Kidane Yebio, Bishop of Keren, in Frankfurt Germany in a great celebration surrounded by Bishops, priests and faithful. This historic ordination, a first in Frankfurt from the Eparchy of Keren. May God bless Abba Medhanie, his family and the Catholic Eparchy of Keren. read more

5th Senbet zetsighe (2017)

Jesus is critical to each and everyone of us who fail to practice what we preach or believe. All of us are called to greatness through humility and service, by sharing our lives with others. read more

2017 AMECEA Bishops visit to Eritrea

The Association Members Episcopal Conference of East Africa (AMECEA) comprises of nine East African countries i.e. Eritrea, Ethiopia, Sudan, South Sudan, Uganda, Tanzania, Malawi, Zambia and Kenya. AMECEA was founded in 1960 and in their 18th Plenary Assembly in 2014 decided to pay a solidarity visit to the people and Catholic Church in Eritrea. read more

Abune Kidane's Sweden Report (2017)

His Excellency Bishop Kidane Yebio visited Sweden from 12/10-2017 to 23/10-2017. He was welcomed by the Eritrean Catholic Community at Arlanda International Airport. Bishop Kidane and the faithful headed to St. Eugenia Catholic church in Stockholm, where he was received by members of the St. Eugenia Church. Bishop Kidane addressed the community by lauding their spiritual and social activities in Sweden. read more

4th Senbet Zetsighe (2017)

We are to love the Lord with our whole heart and our neighbor as ourselves. By thus fulfilling these two great commandments, we hope to become models of faith and imitators of the Lord who gave himself totally for our sake. read more

3r Senbet Zetsighe (2017)

The Lord is King and there is no other. We are to render to God, therefore, fitting praise and service, as is God's due. God's word to us, in turn, is a matter of power and strength, to be lived with conviction of heart. read more

2nd Senbet Zetsighe (2017)

The Lord invites us to a banquet, one of the favorite images of messianic times. This banquet is spread before us, and can fully satisfy our needs, yet how often have we refused the Lord's invitation to share in the riches prepared for us. read more

First Senbet Zetsighe (2017)

Blessed the people the Lord has chosen to be his own inheritance. From heaven the Lord looks down; he sees all mankind. Ps 33. read more

Senbet Zemeskel (2017)

Christianity does not exist without the cross and the cross does not exist without Jesus Christ. Pope Francis. read more

Senbet Zefrie (2017)

How different are the Lord's ways from our own! Gracious and good to all, the Lord is equally generous in compassion and love to those who are quick to respond to his invitation, as well as to those who are slow to hear his call. May the Lord Jesus always be our life? read more

Senbet Zeyohannes (2017)

John testified concerning him. He cried out, saying, This is the one I spoke about when I said, He who comes after me has surpassed me because he was before me. Out of his fullness we have all received grace in place of grace already given. For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. read more