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Debre Tabor (2016)

Today the Lord was transfigured and the voice of the Father bore witness to him; Moses and Elijah appeared with him in glory and spoke with him about the death he was to undergo. read more

1st Senbet Zeflseta (2016)

You have not seen him, yet you love him; and still without seeing him you believe in him and so are already filled with a joy so glorious that it cannot be described read more

Senbet ZeanqEt (2016)

You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your being, with all your strength, and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself. read more

Senbet Zenegodguad (2016)

The reign of God is proclaimed, peace is given as gift, and the forces of sin are overcome. read more

Dr. Amine Kidane in Oslo

The members of the Catholic Eparchy of Keren living in Oslo, Norway, conducted a very successful and productive meeting in Oslo, Norway, with Dr. Amine Kidane. read more

Senbet Zepagume (2016)

Jesus answered, 'Foxes have holes and the birds of the air have nests, but the Son of man has nowhere to lay his head...'Once the hand is laid on the plough, no one who looks back is fit for the kingdom of God.' read more

Holy Trinity (2016)

The Father is Love, the Son is grace, the Holy Spirit is their bond of fellowship; O blessed Trinity read more

2nd Senbet ZezerE (2016).

"Who do the crowds say that I am?"They said in reply, "John the Baptist; others, Elijah; still others, "One of the ancient prophets has arisen." Then he said to them, "But who do you say that I am?" Peter said in reply, "The Messiah of God." read more

Ethio-Eritrean cradle books

Incunabula "cradle books" is a term use for books published before 1500, i.e. from 1446 to 1500 and denotes very early printed books. Printing press, which was first invented by Johannes Gutenberg around 1446, is a technology of book production that facilitates communications. read more

Senbet ZezerE (2016)

The Justice, Mercy And Forgiveness Of Our God. read more

Senbet Zeastemhro (2016)

Young man, I tell you: get up. And the dead man sat up and began to talk, and Jesus gave him to his mother. Everyone was filled with awe and glorified God saying, A great prophet has risen up among us. God has visited his people. read more

The body of Christ (2016)

I am the living bread that came down from heaven; whoever eats this bread will live forever; and the bread that I will give is my flesh for the life of the world. read more