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1st Senbet Zetsge (2013)

The Lord appointed seventy (two) others whom he sent ahead of him in pairs to every town and place he intended to visit. read more

Senbet Zemeskel (2013)

As Moses lifted up the serpent in the desert, so must the Son of man be lifted up, so that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life. read more

Feast of the Cross (2013)

As Moses lifted up the serpent in the desert, so must the Son of man be lifted up, so that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life. read more

Ngdet St. George (2013)

Dr. Kiflemariam's presentation on the occasion of the Negdi of St. George in Germany. read more

Ngdet St. George (2013)

The feast of St. George was celebrated with about 400 people attending Mass and celebrations. read more

Senbet Zefrie (2013)

Go out to all the world and tell the Good News. read more

Senbet Zeyohanes (2013)

The next day again John was standing with two of his disciples, and he looked at Jesus as he walked and said, Behold the Lamb of God. read more

New Year (2006)

I am not the Christ; I have been sent before him to prepare his way. He must increase, and I must decrease. read more

Geez Mass (2013)

Geez Mass is rich in its history and tradition. This article presents a synopsis of the significance of the Geez Mass, its main parts and the role of the celebrants. read more

Senbet Zepagume (2013)

To respond to Jesus admonition that human life does not consist of possessions. We are much more than what we have, and what we have doesn't even approach who we are in Christ Jesus. read more

St. Michael Church

The construction process of St. Michael's cathedral in Keren is progressing slowly but surely. With your prayers and support its completion is nearing. God bless, those who toil to build His house. read more

Senbet zegoha-Tsibah (2013)

At the request of the disciples, Jesus teaches them, and all future believers, how to pray. read more