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Senbet ze-pagume (2012)

The Lord God is one, there is no other. We have been chosen as his own, and through the Spirit, are able to call God Abba. Through baptism all nations are called to share in the life of the Son and acknowledge the triune God. read more

2 Deacons ordained (2012)

Congratulations to our new Deacons, Andeghiorghis Ferej and Makele Dawit, their families and the Eaprchy of Keren for this great gift. We Thank God and the deacons that dedicated their life to serve. read more

2nd Senmebt ze-kremt (2012)

Where did this man get all this? What is the wisdom given to him? Is not this the carpenter? (Mk 6:2-3). To recognize Jesus we need to know who he is. read more

Senbet ze-kremt (2012)

But the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop." (Luke 8:15). read more

Senbet ze-astemhro (2012)

Again he sent other servants, saying, Tell those who are invited, Behold, I have made ready my dinner my oxen and my fat calves are killed, and every thing is ready; come to the marriage feast Mt 22:4. read more

Senbet aba Gerima (2012)

Matthew the tax collector is called to be an evangelist, to proclaim the good news, by word and deed. read more

3rd Senbet of Pentecost (2012)

Fathers, ?do not irritate and provoke ?your children to anger ?[do not exasperate them to resentment], ?but rear them [tenderly] ?in the training and discipline ?and the counsel and admonition ?of the Lord. ?Ephesians 6:4 read more

2nd Senbet of Pentecost (2012)

Anyone who eats this bread will live for ever. This is the bread that comes down from heaven anyone who eats this bread will never die. read more

Bishop Fqremariam, 1st Bishop of Segheneity

The Eparchy of Keren congratulates Bishop Fikremariam and the New Eparchy of Segeneti on the occasion of consecration and enthronement. read more

Geab chapel blessed (2012)

His Excellency Abune Kidane Yebio blessed the new chapel in Geab (Bogu-area). Congratulation to the people of Geab and the Eparchy of Keren. read more

Pentecost (2012)

We are called to witness to the new creation brought about by the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. read more

Mariam deari (2012)

Mariam Dearit, was celebrated today, May 29, 2012 with solemnity to honor Mary the Mother of God and our mother. Here is the sermon by His Excellency Bishop Kidane Yebio. read more