His Holiness
Pope Francis I
His Holiness
Pope Francis I
His Excellency Kidane Yebio
Bishop of Keren
St. Michael's Building
The month of August is dedicated to the Mother of God and our Mother, Mary. Let us pray and ask our Mother to intercede for us to her Son Jesus. Remember Jesus performed His first miracle, changing water to wine, when she asked him to help the wedding par read more
This article is a reflection of the feast of St. Peter and Paul. The reflection was written by Abba Negusse Feseha. read more
Pictures of the 6 new priests ordained in Keren on July 18,2009 by his Excellency Bishop Kidane Yebio. read more
2009 has been a blessing to the Eparchy of Keren. 6 New priests were ordained by his excellency Bishop Kidane Yebio. read more
This important information has been provided by Bishop Kidane Yebio. Please read. read more
After a long time and hard work, Blin mass has been officially inagurated in Keren by His Excellency Abune Kidane Yebio. read more
The Holy Spirit is the is our guide and strength. The following article helps us to reflect on the Holy Spirit, the Giver of life and the third Person of the Most Holy Trinity. read more
The following article is a reflection on the Ascension of our Lord Jesus to Heaven. Let us reflect and live our lives as Jesus wants us to. As followers of the Risen Christ this is what we are called to do, to be living witness for Him until we join Him read more
This article is a reflection on the 5th Sunday of Easter. The article wants us to reflect on the message Christ and the life we are called to lead in this journey of ours. read more
Abba Teklemariam Semharay is one of the most influential and respected priests of the Eparchy of Keren. His contributions to the Geez Liturgy and spirituality are unparelled. This article gives an in intiduction to his work. read more