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4th Senbet ZeTsighe (2020)

Try to acquire those virtues which you think your brothers lack, and you will no longer see their defects, because you will not have them yourselves (St Augustine). read more

3rd Senbet Zetsighe (2020)

Jesus said, You must love the Lord God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest a d the first commandment. The second resembles it: you must love neighbor as your self. (MT 22:37-39) read more

2nd Senbet Zetsighe (2020)

And how can they believe if they have not heard the message/ And how can they hear if the message is not proclaimed? And how can the message be proclaimed if the messengers are not sent out? How wonderful is the coming of messengers who bring good news! But not all have accepted the Good News(Rom 10:14-16). read more

First Senbet ZeTsige (2020)

The vineyard of the Lord is the house of Israel. At vintage time the master will return to receive the harvest. May we bear fruit in plenty and be pleasing in his sight by living lives that are marked by love and respect. read more

Senbet Zemesqel (2020)

As Eliakim is given authority as master of the palace, so does Jesus confer upon Peter authority to bind and loose. To Jesus, who promised to be with his church for all time, be glory for ever and ever. read more

Beal Mekel (2020)

Just as Moses lifted up the serpent, so must the Son of Man be lifted up. God highly exalted him, and made him Lord, How unforgettable are his deeds. read more

Senbet ZeMesqel (2020)

Christianity does not exist without the cross and the cross does not exist without Jesus Christ. Pope Francis. read more

Senbet Zefre (2020)

How different are the Lord's ways from our own. Gracious and good to all, the Lord is equally generous in compassion and love to both those who are quick to respond to his invitation as well as those who are slow to hear his call. May the Lord Jesus always be our life. read more

New-YEAR-2013 (2020)

As the New year begins you are invited to reflect as Mary did, on how God's life is growing in you and being passed on to others through you. read more

Ldeta Mariam (2020)

Let us rejoice in the birth of Mary, the mother of Jesus. She was predestined to give birth by the strength of the Lord. read more

Rufaesl MelaK (2020)

The Archangel Raphae's name means, God has healed. In the O.T. book of Tobit, Raphael heals Tobit of blindness, he protects and guides Tobias on his travels and he delivers Sarah from an evil demon. read more

Senbet ZemebreQ (2020)

Following the Lord means nothing less than the cross; offering our selves with Jesus as a living sacrifice and not conforming ourselves to this world. Following him will entail derision and scorn, yet the Lord is our help. read more